Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Soccer Dude

I have officially become, dah, dah, dah...a soccer mom! Isaac has been wanting to try out soccer for a while now. We stumbled upon a team that practices about half a mile away and we could sign up for just 2 months. Done deal! So 2 days a week we head down to the park and Saturdays he has a game.
As many of you know, I have never been a fan of running. However, I recently decided to try it again. I have been working out for a year now, and felt that maybe I would feel differently about running at this point in my life. I don't *love* it, but I do like it, especially when I see the heart rate monitor telling me the amazing number of calories I just burned running. While Isaac is practicing, I run around the park. It works out well and it's nice to get done with my workout earlier, leaving the evening to relax. So for the next month, at least, I'll keep running 3 days a week. As for Isaac and soccer...I don't know if it's a love affair. He usually doesn't want to go to practice, but by the time he gets there I can see that he's really excited. And when we leave, he is pumped up. We'll just have to see if he ends up wanting to go another season.

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