Monday, June 4, 2007

Ohhh, shiny!

Today I did a lot more sewing on Isaac's costume. I finished the tunic, hood and helmet. Let me tell you, it is SHINY! Isaac is thrilled and is wearing it outside in the blaring afternoon heat...I guess he doesn't mind. I only allow it in short spurts, punctuated with glasses of ice water. The only part left to make are the pants, but I have another more pressing sewing project that will be my next priority. Once that is done, I'll go back to the pants. The whole ensemble is titled "The Horned Knight."

In addition, we had a couple of "surely" interesting conversations today. The first was on sword fighting and went like this:

Isaac: "If skeleton pirates were real, that is surely one thing I would be doing to save you, and the neighbors."

The second was as follows:

Isaac: "Remember I saw a princess at the Street Fair?
Me: "Yes, Cinderella."
Isaac: "She's from Disneyland."
Me: "No, she's just a woman who has a Cinderella costume."
Isaac: "If she was a girl, I would surely dance with her."

I guess "surely" is the word of the day. If anyone ever says to you that chivalry is dead, you can tell them they are SURELY wrong!

1 comment:

Marlene said...

You are so talented! What a lucky little boy!