Thursday, June 28, 2007

Last Day of Swim Lessons

Today was the last day of swim lessons, and it was safety day. They learned about life jackets, how to put them on, float in them, what happens when you fall out of a boat. The picture at right shows him before the teacher flipped him over to simulate the experience of falling off a boat with a life vest on. Below left Isaac is swimming back to the wall. The teacher said he did really well in her class, but needs to work on keeping his body straight when he kicks, instead of twisting at the hips. Something to work on at the Lake this summer. Bottom left Isaac is about to dive in, which turned out to be more like a jump
with his arms out, but he did it! The teacher also taught them how
to sink down to the bottom of the pool and push themselves back up again--bobbing. Overall, Isaac seemed to enjoy swim lessons.

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Oh you got a *great* shot of him diving in! I missed Kira.