Thursday, June 28, 2007

Reading BOB Books

This afternoon Isaac stumbled across his BOB books and commented to me about how long it had been since he read them. He pulled them out and started reading. It makes me so happy to see and hear him reading and sounding out words, I can't even explain. But at the same time I saw him sitting there in his size 7/8 clothes and I can see in how his legs are positioned a much older Isaac, like a 14 year old Isaac! Love it and it breaks my heart all at the same time. After reading the four most challenging books in Set 2 of the BOB book Isaac said "I love reading these books. It's just so, good!" That's too good of a quote to pass up for me, so there it is for all to read. After reading five of the BOB books he moved onto one of the math workbooks I bought that are like what they use at Satori--Singapore math--and did some work with the tens and ones place. I love that he enjoys learning so much! Hopefully a little self-motivated reading and math over the summer will get him ready to get back into the school swing come August.

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