Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Isaac has been begging to go bowling for quite a while now, and recently I went with my friend Heidi and our kids. Isaac had a blast and so did I. Then, while Uncle Brian was visiting we were finally able to find a Wii (we saved as a family but had spent over a week trying to find one--they're sold out everywhere!). We were sitting at home trying out the games we had, including bowling when it occurred to me that it would be WAY more fun to actually go bowling for real. Seeing as how the nearest bowling alley is less than a mile away, we decided that we'd make the trek. Turned out to be really fun, though Paul is a little too good (Brian beat him in the last game though).
I suck at bowling, but it was still fun, even if Isaac can bowl as well as I can (he had the bumpers up, though). Isaac's technique pretty much consists of flinging the ball somewhere in the lane and letting the bumpers bounce it back and forth until it knocks out a surprisingly large number of pins.
Here are shots of Paul and Brian bowling. Notice I didn't include pictures of me bowling...it was way too pathetic to share. But maybe Isaac and I will go a few more times this summer and in theory I could improve. Don't anyone hold their breath, it is only theoretical that I could get better!

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