Tuesday, May 27, 2008


So, what, you may ask did innocent water play between Isaac and Grams turn into? All out water war. How could such a thing happen in hot Tucson after a day of working in the sun, who knows. I was out taking their pictures, capturing their precious moments, when Isaac squirted out the contents of a water balloon onto my back as I went into the house. I was a little miffed, but whatever. Then Paul got doused and we decided it was war. We skipped over water balloons and spray bottles. I got a bucket and Paul a pitcher. First we went for Isaac, then Grams joined Isaac's team and before you know it, WAR.
From the pictures, you can see who the war was really between and who was smart enough to get the camera and stay out of the thick of it. When I went for the hose, Grams got ahold of it too and pretty soon we were wrestling it between us, spraying each other and occasionally aiming it as Isaac. We were laughing so hard that we often could do little with the hose besides hold it, because there was no strength to fight each other for it. Isaac did his part with water balloons and the bucket. In the end the three of us were SOAKED. It's a good thing we were all already wet because we laughed so hard we may have wet ourselves, just a little.

It was so much fun and all that laughter was just what we all needed. In the last picture you can see that I am tending to Isaac, he got scratched in all the mayhem. So what did my mom do? Poured a bucket of water over my head. This made Isaac laugh hysterically and the whole scratch situation blew over. Gee, thanks Grams.

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