Saturday, May 26, 2007

Focused Face

Isaac and I went to one of his classmate's birthday parties today. At the party they played pin the tail on the fish. One of Isaac's favorite things to do is to color, and each child was allowed to decorate their own fish tail. After they were done with the game, Isaac decided he wanted to color another tail. I captured this "focused face" while he was coloring. He has a few varieties of this face and they all make me chuckle. Paul and I are pleased that he enjoys art as much as he does, a day doesn't go by that he doesn't ask to print a coloring page--which he can do all by himself on the computer, makes his daddy so proud! He also surprises us with some amazing drawings. I hope we are able to foster his love of drawing throughout the years.

1 comment:

Raindancer said...

Love that pic!
