Friday, October 23, 2009

Rockwell Wedding Quilt

Paul's sister Lorrie recently got married. I have always wanted to make someone a quilt for their wedding. Thanks to Lorrie, I had the chance! Since she was going with a fall theme for the wedding, I decided to go with that for the theme. It was the largest quilt I've ever made and wasn't the easiest to get a photograph of the whole thing. As it was, I had to hang it sideways and it still wanted to drag on the ground. Had to put chairs under it to hold it up, hence the lopsided look to the right.
This is a little closer and shows some of the squares. The pattern was for a quilt half this size, so I had to double it to make it king-sized.

Here is one of the "double" layer squares, they kind of look like a square within a square. I had so much fun picking out all the different fabrics for this one.

And as always I included a shot with the back folded over. The quilt was so large I had to add in some extra fabrics to make it big enough for the quilt top.

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