Sunday, April 26, 2009

Pima County Fair

Going to the fair has become a pre-birthday tradition. This year Paul had his head in the books, but Isaac and I went and had a blast. The last couple of years the water ride was broken when we were at the fair. This year it was up and running and Isaac went on it three times in a row it was so fun. Then it was time for a jacket and some dinner. At the end of the night I let him ride it three more times because he could get wet and then go change in the car. This ride was definitely the highlight for Isaac, though he likes the fun houses a lot, too. My favorite was the rollercoaster, so much fun it made me scream and laugh histerically.
This picture captures the afterglow from the thrill of the water ride! He was so pleased with himself for going on the ride. I couldn't go because I had our precious camera and couldn't get it wet. But seeing his face as he went down the second and larger waterslide while he screamed was the second best part of the night--best part was eating funnel cake.

After several tries and lots of strange faces from Isaac, I finally got this picture of Isaac and I. Not the best, but the best of what I had to choose from. Already looking forward to the fair next year!

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