Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Private Swimming Lessons

Last year Isaac took swim lessons at the YMCA (just like I did years ago, and the class names are still the same: eel, guppy, shark...) The classes were four days a week for two weeks, each class 30 minutes. Seemed like a good deal, and he learned a lot. But then I realized each class had six students. That meant he got 5 minutes from each lesson=40 minutes of 1:1 time. When I saw that the private lessons were less than double the price of group lessons, it was a no-brainer to pay for private lessons this year.
Day one consisted of using a kick board to practice controlled kicking, then blowing bubbles while kicking, then doing strokes and breathing while using the kick board, then swimming freestyle. In just 30 minutes the improvement was phenomenal. Day two was a little more of the same, but also started learning backstroke and worked a lot on diving to the bottom of the pool for rings! The second two pictures show Isaac getting ready to dive for the rings and pulling himself down, putting his legs up in order to get his head down.
Yesterday and today were more diving for rings and using the kick board, but today they really focused on rolling onto his side for a breath. I am totally amazed by how quickly kids learn, and I am especially happy to have Isaac learning how to swim. I explained to him that kids his age are already on the swim team and he is now talking of joining the swim team next summer. Of course this would make me unbelievably happy and proud, but I won't pressure him into it. If he wants to do it, I am totally supportive, as I would be with whatever else he is inclined to try or do. A week after Isaac finishes his swim lessons we head to the Sierra's for our annual trip to Pineridge and the Lake. This year we're going for over 2 weeks and we are SOOO excited because we've never gone that long. Plus, we get to see Uncle Eric, Aunt Kier, Ella and Kaia--our one time to see them the whole year! Maybe we'll get them for Thanksgiving this year, if we're lucky. We miss you guys and can't wait to see you!

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