Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Isaac Tries the Diving Board

Today at the end of swim lessons, as a treat, Isaac's teacher took him into the diving bay and let him jump off the diving board. Naturally I had to go see. He knew the pool was 12 feet deep, his teacher had him jump off the side and swim a little to show him he could do it, then he climbed up the ladder onto the board, walked to the end, bounced a little and went right in! Totally AWESOME! He did it a few times, then went down the water slide a couple times, then returned to the diving board. This video clip is of the last jump where he was so fearless he went even before his teacher was in the pool. He did it and got to the side all on his own! I guess it may seem like no big deal, but for a kiddo who has never done anything like that, in water that deep, I am so proud.

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