Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jacob's Ladder

I was amazed by how much Isaac remembered of what games and rides there were at the Renaissance Festival. Jacob's Ladder was one that Isaac distinctly remembered and wanted to try. If you follow the pictures down you'll see the typical progression of what happens when people try Jacob's Ladder. The goal is to use only your hands and feet to climb this ladder that goes to one rope at each end.
Sounds so simple, and the worker at the booth demonstrated over and over how to do it. But at the end of the day when we went by again so Paul could give it a try, I asked the guy if anyone had done it all day. He told me that no one had. Needless to say, neither Isaac nor Paul were successful. But if Paul had more than three tries he may have done it.
Luckily, as you can see from the pictures, Isaac didn't mind falling in the hay. Our parental concerns that he'd be bummed that he couldn't do it were put to rest quickly by the huge smile on his face. Love it!

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