Sunday, January 6, 2008

What Else Did We Do?

So you may wonder, "what else did they do while Grams was visiting?" Let me tell you...My mom asked what was leaking under the kitchen sink. I explained that the water shut off valve for the hot water was an old, lousy thing that leaks just enough that we have a cup under there and have to empty it periodically. After taking a look, it seemed a simple fix: buy a new valve, turn off the water to the house, take out the old valve and put in a new one. A simple project...I'm sure you know how those turn out! This one turned into re-plumbing from the water heater to the kitchen sink. Luckily, they are only 8 feet between them. It turned out the end of the waterline where we needed to put the new valve couldn't be adapted to anything new, which led to other issues, which lead to the only solution: re-plumbing. Sure I am happy to have the "jerry-rigged" plumbing out from there and replaced with shiny new copper pipes. However, it was quite an undertaking with two days without water in the house, too many trips to Ace and Home Depot to count, frustration galore and time taken away from just visiting with Grams. Thank goodness she was here since I haven't the slightest idea how to solder! (Or do most everything else she did. I was a good assistant, though.) But everything was back in order and cleaned up eventually. Maybe next time she visits we'll replace the weird plumbing in the bathroom...JUST KIDDING Mom!


madi said...

Whoa - that looks more like a blow torch than a soldering iron. Your mom is hard core, Miwa!

Soto Family said...

No doubt! She rocks!