Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Mmmm, yummy.

Okay, y'all here's my last post of our trip to the Sierras...Paul took a bunch of these pictures of Isaac and I on our last day before heading home. I was beginning to feel the heaviness of having to leave, return home and face chaos. Isaac just wanted to snuggle with his mom (I'm loving it while he's still interested in snuggling with me). I think Isaac was starting to feel bummed about having to leave the Lake and Pineridge, too. Once you've been to these special places, leaving them feels a little like leaving home every summer. Our family is so blessed to be able to visit these places, but somehow intuitively we try not to take them for granted and do try to soak up every minute and be thankful. This picture show so much of what I have to be thankful for.


Sandi said...

Wow, this is really a great picture of you and Isaac. I can't believe how fast time flies and how much they grow but moments like this don't come often anymore! I'm glad that you all had fun on your trip and I look forward to reading the updates on the family. Take care and hope to chat real soon.

Fullmer Family said...

Awwwww!! That is a GREAT picture!