Friday, July 27, 2007

Fishing With Daddy

On one of the last days at the Lake Isaac found a fishing pole in the cabin and begged me to take him out fishing. I told him that I'd never been fishing--true--and that maybe daddy would do it the next day. After some upset and discussion, he agreed. The next day Paul took Isaac out on the peddle boat with the fishing pole. At first, Paul would cast the line and hand to pole to Isaac. Isaac then asked if he could cast the line. Paul let him and next thing you know he'd caught himself a nice little trout. Isaac was so proud of that fish, he started calling for me the second he was on shore to come see his fish. He carried the fish up and showed it to everyone. Paul and Isaac gutted the fish and Paul cooked it up for Isaac's lunch. Isaac ate the whole thing, and the sandwich I packed for him.
Here is a picture of Isaac's beautiful trout! I think both Paul and Isaac really enjoyed puttering around out on the Lake fishing together. I have a feeling this will be a new tradition to be repeated every year at the Lake.

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