Sunday, March 9, 2008

Climb On!

When you are climbing, the belayer says "climb on," when they are ready for you to start climbing. The climber then says "climbing," when they are getting on the rock/wall. Once Isaac took off his roper boots he was ready to climb. Like last year, he climbed up to the top without much of a hitch. Here was one glitch getting a foot up onto the large hold his right foot is on in this shot. His left hand couldn't reach the next hold but the large hold was too high for him to get a foot on. After repeatedly trying to reach the next hold with his left hand and trying to get his right foot up on the hold, he finally put his right knee on the hold, grabbed the hold with his left hand and pulled himself up! Rock on, Isaac! Never once did he start to give up, it wasn't a matter of if he'd make it to the top, just a matter of how he would get to the top.

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